The Multiplication Course by Steve Wyborney


The Multiplication Course by Steve Wyborney is finished and completely ready!  It is a highly interactive multiplication course – on YouTube – with 156 short videos.  They are completely ready for all students, all teachers, all parents, everyone!


The course teaches students deep, rich, and important multiplication concepts while they are also learning multiplication facts.  It also puts students in control of their learning, allowing them to pause the think deeply, allowing them time to write, allowing them to discover important math ideas.



The animated videos are organized in 12 chapters – and each chapter is in a playlist on YouTube.  The course is for students in grades 3-8, and it’s completely free.  There aren’t even ads.


If you are looking for a multiplication resource for…

your students

your children

your class..

or your entire school

this may be a great resource for you!




Scroll down to continue learning about The Multiplication Course!




Watch how quickly you can access an entire chapter with a single click:

The Chapter 3 Playlist 


If you want to watch a single video to get a feel for the course, watch this 3-minute video:

The Chapter 8 Preview


The Entire Chapter Playlist can be found below – and you are welcome to watch any (or all) of the course, use any (or all) of the course, and share any (or all) of the course with others!  This is meant to be a powerful resource – about a very important topic – that is freely available to everyone.


Quick Access to All Chapter Playlists

Chapter 1 Playlist

Chapter 2 Playlist

Chapter 3 Playlist

Chapter 4 Playlist

Chapter 5 Playlist

Chapter 6 Playlist

Chapter 7 Playlist

Chapter 8 Playlist

Chapter 9 Playlist

Chapter 10 Playlist

Chapter 11 Playlist

Chapter 12 Playlist


Inside the course, you’ll find much of the same style that I’ve used in Esti-Mysteries… with Splat!… with 20 Days of Number Sense of Number Sense and Rich Math Talk


You’ll see that the course includes…

  • 3-Dimensional Drawing
  • Motion Challenges
  • Puzzle Challenges with Multiplication Thinking
  • Strategies for learning and understanding multiplication facts and concepts



Students will create Number Concept Maps…


Students will complete 3-Dimensional Drawings…


 Students will see multiple perspectives…


Student will be challenge to use multiplication thinking…


Challenge levels increase in every chapter…


Strategies for seeking Powerful Learning Opportunities are explained…


Key connections are featured!

Perspectives, Multiple Representations, Math Talk, and Connecting Visuals to Expressions…

…and connecting expressions to expressions…


I’ve also designed it to be extremely easy to access and use.  At the same time it’s also powerful and extremely flexible.


Picture These Scenarios

Picture a classroom where all students are accessing the course, where one student is learning all about multiplication ideas for the first time traveling through each lesson… while another student who just didn’t understand multiplication the year before is using it for extra support, hearing another perspective seeing additional visuals…   and yet another student is accelerating through it at their own pace digging in to the more advanced concepts the course offers…


…and still another student using it to re-watch a lesson from the day before (because students can easily do that on YouTube), and still another student chooses to focus on the representation lesson in each chapter… or the drawing lessons in each chapter… or the puzzle challenges in each chapter… or the 3-dimensional perspective lessons in each chapter.


…and yet another student from the class in a different setting (such as at home) is also watching it…


…and another student whose best time to go through the course is not during the school day, can see it is later when it works better…


Keep looking around the scenarios, and notice that one student has turned on the Closed Captioning, two other students are discussing their 3-dimensional multiplication drawings with each other (safely in person – or in a breakout room).  Another student is completing a visual concept map showing representations.  And still another student – who has clicked the Pause Button – is solving a puzzle using multiplication thinking before The Reveal shows the answer.




The possibilities go on and on…


Students in class every other day?

Now they have a resource to use every day.


Students who didn’t finish multiplication last year?

Now they have a complete course.


Students who memorized the facts, but didn’t ever make the all-important connections to other concepts?

Here is powerful opportunity to make those connections.


The teacher who isn’t sure what to do to provide a sustained learning narrative in ever-fluxing situations?

This course works across scenarios – it’s designed for all environments and for situations in which learning environments need to change in the middle of the year – with our without advance notice.


The parent who wants more support for their child?

Here is a resource.


A teach of teachers who want to use the visuals as an ongoing resource for number talks?

There are literally thousands of images in the course.


The closer you look, the more you’ll recognize that this course is designed to work at school… and it’s designed to work at home… and it’s also designed to work in situations where students may move from one environment to the other – even with only short notice.


Please know, it’s not perfect.  This is just about the maximum amount of material that I am able to draw, animate, script, record, take through the video editing process and post to YouTube between the beginning of June and August 16, 2020.


How to Share Videos and Playlists

If you want to share a chapter (with other colleagues or other parents or students) it’s very easy to do.  One way to share a playlist is to…

1.  Open a lesson or playlist on YouTube.

2.  Click on the share button…

3.  Click COPY…

4. Then paste the link in a platform where you can share it out.


It can be shared through…

  • Email
  • Google Classroom
  • Text
  • On a Google Slide
  • Of course, this list is nearly endless



If you want to see the ENTIRE COURSE on YouTube simply click on


  1. My YouTube Channel – Playlists Tab.
  2. You can also SORT BY (on the right side) and click “Oldest to Newest)


What materials do the students need? 

Only paper and pencil.  There are some lessons where a highlighter would be a useful additional tool, but is not necessary.



I’ll be sharing more information about the course in the days and weeks to come.

There are 4 ways to easily access updates

  1. Visit this blog post.
  2. Subscribe to this blog for updates – and exclusive resources.
  3. Follow my YouTube Channel
  4. Watch my Twitter Feed


If you have questions or comments please leave them as a comment in this blog post.  


Please Share This Resource with Anyone Who Can Use It

Also – if you know someone who would benefit from knowing about this, please share it with them.  There may be a teacher, a parent, an administrator, or someone else you know who has students or a child working on multiplication who could use a very solid foundation with this very important concept.   Please share this with them.


I’d like to wish you a wonderful school year!


I hope this will be a truly powerful resource for you!


All my best,







Steve Wyborney Avatar

50 responses to “The Multiplication Course by Steve Wyborney”

  1. Peggy Maryanski Avatar
    Peggy Maryanski

    I’ve just started working as an elementary math specialist and appreciate the clarity of instruction and the crisp visuals in your Multiplication Course. I am eager to begin using it with my students, who need so much help with number sense and visualization!

    1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
      Steve Wyborney

      Thank you, Peggy!

  2. Julie Merrill Avatar
    Julie Merrill

    Thank you Steve! I’m late to the game–I just found this. With some of our unfinished learning this year, this will be a great help as we prepare for next year. I’m the secondary math coordinator in my district and I will be using these videos to show teachers how to help kids shore up some missed foundational knowledge. I LOVE the multiple representations and how you stress that there are so many ways to see mathematics. Maybe this will help get us off the memorization train and strive for real understanding and connections 😀

    1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
      Steve Wyborney

      I really appreciate this note, Julie. I’m glad it will be so helpful! Thanks for commenting on the multiple representations.

  3. Jeff Avatar

    I just wanted to say how much I appreciate these videos! My students and their parents love them. I assign them through EdPuzzle, so students can answer questions online during distance learning. Thanks so much!

    1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
      Steve Wyborney

      Thanks, Jeff. I just caught your other comment about EdPuzzle. It’s really a great combination.

  4. Diane Avatar

    Hi Steve,
    First of all I want to echo the words of so many here and thank you for so generously sharing your excellent math teaching tools – wow! My colleague and I are using the Multiplication Course with our students, grades 3-5. We are at a small alternative public school that values self-directed learning, and the gift of your course is that, once introduced to how it all works, the kids are able to each engage with the material at their own pace, in the manner that suits their learning right now. I post each chapter’s videos on our Google Classroom, either as “main course” or “special sauce” experiences, so the kids can make some choices about which videos they want to work with.
    I see that some educators are asking about the nuts and bolts of doing the Multiplication Course in a classroom. We do it 2 period per week and let kids go at their own pace, with time to share experiences at the beginning of each session. The kids enjoy doing the “reveal” videos all together sometimes. Also, I decided to save the kids some time by providing them with the templates that they are asked to create in the course. I would be happy to share those PDFs as I make them for other teachers to use, check them out at this link:
    I will be adding more as we progress through the course, just finishing chapter 3 now…
    With gratitude,

    1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
      Steve Wyborney

      Thank you for sharing this, Diana. I appreciate your kind words and our willingness to share.

    2. Peggy Maryanski Avatar
      Peggy Maryanski

      Thank you for sharing your resources. I, too, am concerned about students’ time, even though I see the value in having them create and follow directions. It’s nice to have the option, thanks to you.

      1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
        Steve Wyborney

        Thank you for the comment, Peggy.

  5. Janice Mockel Avatar
    Janice Mockel

    Hi Steve,

    Your resources are amazing and I am so thankful that you share them with teachers. Our district is struggling to provide an after-school class to help students with their basic facts in this remote setting. When I came across your Multiplication Course I am thinking this might be the way to go for our students. Do you have any ideas for implementing it so that students work is monitored and there is accountability? i just thought I’d pick your brain because I would like to suggest the course at our next meeting. Thanks again and happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
      Steve Wyborney

      Hi, Janice. One way your could approach it is to have students keep their creations from the course in a notebook. They will be creating number concept maps, 3-Dimensional drawings and several other things.

    2. Jeff Avatar

      You can assign them through EdPuzzle!

      1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
        Steve Wyborney

        Jeff, EdPuzzle is a great way to approach the multiplication course. That’s a really nice combination.

  6. Bobbi Patterson-Gurney Avatar
    Bobbi Patterson-Gurney

    As a long time fan of your work, this series is genius! It is going to be a saving grace during this time of distance learning in Oregon. Thank you for your dedicated work that has changed the lives of so many!

    1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
      Steve Wyborney

      Thank you, Bobbi!

  7. Stacy Weyer Avatar
    Stacy Weyer

    Hi! Your multiplication course is AMAZING!! Can I ask a concept map question?? The last box with what looks like the area model I am need so verbage to help my students understand that last section. Thanks, Stacy

  8. Diane Artel Avatar
    Diane Artel

    Thank you so much for all of your activities. I have loved many of them and shared them with others.

    I was looking at your course and trying to figure out a way to utilize it. I read that this is designed for grades 3 and up.

    I finished the first Chapter and am wondering if you could enlighten me on your strategy and the progress. I love the first use of blocks and grouping but if I was truly starting to teach multiplication I would definitely want more of this at the beginning to talk about groupings.

    I love the way you represent the many ways of showing division but I think it lacks some the visual and hands on (multiple ways to group, array or just groups in circles).

    Also do you think it is a little early to teach the 45/9 = 5. I love that this is what they will get to but I am wondering if this is a bit much for a 3rd grader that does not know about fractions and how this relates to multiplication.

    Again, I love this and am just looking at the why behind some of this.

    Thank you.

  9. Pam Avatar

    This is such a great resource! I am the Math Coordinator for my district and want to share it in a way that is not overwhelming for my teachers. How might you recommend pacing these videos out for 3rd and fourth graders. Would you recommend them doing a video per day? How long should it take for 3rd and/or 4th grade students to complete a chapter? Should they complete the chapters in order? If not, how should teachers which chapters to do first, and what order they should follow thereafter?

    1. Beckie Burns Avatar
      Beckie Burns

      We have Canvas now so I have been embedding the videos in Canvas as an assignment and there is an option to turn on comments (in the Studio feature). I have my 4th grade students do a video a day and as they watch, they can stop and add a comment of what they are noticing or wondering. I can monitor and respond to the comments as they are watching and the fast finishers can go back and respond to classmate’s comments. At the end, I have a short discussion about noticings and wonderings or vocabulary and conenctions that come up. Any time Steve prompts them to use paper, I have them just use a page in their math notebook. My students and I really love this. One student made multiple comment during a video last week typing, “I’m learning so much!” Thank you Steve!

      1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
        Steve Wyborney

        Thanks for sharing this, Beckie!

      2. Kristen Avatar

        That is a good idea. I teach 5th, I am about to start the course Tuesday – while we go Online for the first time. I like the idea of students commenting on the video, then discussing it. Thanks!

        1. Beckie Burns Avatar
          Beckie Burns

          Now I have them work on it asynchronously. In Canvas Studio, you can make a “quiz” so it will stop and ask questions (like EdPuzzle, which someone else mentioned). When it is a motion challenge or drawing a figure, I have them record a short video at the end to show me their drawing or to do the motion challenge for me. It has been a great daily routine for them. When I didn’t make them one week, some of my students quickly asked where they were. Thanks again Steve!

          1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
            Steve Wyborney

            I really appreciate this idea, Beckie. While I haven’t worked with Canvas I really like the way you are adding questions and giving students a way to share their thinking by creating a video of the drawing and motion challenges.

  10. Berenise Velazquez Avatar
    Berenise Velazquez

    First of all thank you it’s refreshing to see free material for math and not worry it’s a dig at my own pocket. I teach high school math and there are very few free resources!
    Just a question is the whim corse designed for any grade level to be able to watch the series and be able to follow? Or are there specific chapters for certain age/grade group?

    My son missed out his multiplication introduction last year due to the pandemic and I would like to get him into some of these videos but also don’t want to strain him and have him doing something above his knowledge level.

    1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
      Steve Wyborney

      Hi Berenise,

      I’m writing a guide for teachers and parents. For grades 3 and 4 – as well as any student who has historically struggled with multiplication – I would certainly complete the entire course. For grades 5 and up, there are some ways to accelerate through some foundational lessons. More details to come soon.

      1. Berenise Velazquez Avatar
        Berenise Velazquez

        Thank you for your response. I’ll be on the lookout for your guide.

      2. kristen Avatar


        I am wondering what you meant by “For grades 5 and up, there are some ways to accelerate through some foundational lessons. More details to come soon.”
        Has their been more info released?

        1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
          Steve Wyborney

          I have some more information to release soon. For 5th grade, you might consider 2 lessons in a day (rather than just 1) and also you might find some lessons that your students won’t need as much so consider skipping over those. For example, some chapters have more than 1 number concept map. For 5th grade, you might consider using just 1 per chapter.

  11. Deb Little Avatar
    Deb Little

    I have been a fan of your materials for years! I’ve become a better educator and my students have reaped the benefits! I am always impressed by the thoroughness of your Esti-mysteries, Splat activities, etc. And now this! I am positively blown away by your generosity, your wisdom, and your selflessness! Thank you!!!! 

    Deb Little

    1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
      Steve Wyborney

      Thank you so much, Deb!

  12. Luz Pereyra Avatar
    Luz Pereyra

    Thank you Steve! This is a game changer now that I am teaching third grade. I have already shared with my staff, and we are EXCITED to see our students’ growth in understanding and number flexibility!

    1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
      Steve Wyborney

      Hi, Luz. Thank you for your kind words. Also, thank you for sharing with you team!

  13. Nick Avatar

    Steve, this is crazy! What a way for teachers to provide “small group” work, that promotes deep thinking and challenge, while students learn from home. I am a math coach for a district in a hybrid model (2 days on-site, 3 days off-site), and this is something that students could do every day, whether they are at school or at home! You do so much for the profession for free, and it is greatly appreciated by me and the teachers with whom I work.

    1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
      Steve Wyborney

      Thank you, Nick. I really appreciate this comment!

    2. Kfrags Avatar

      As teachers. How are ways you will use this? It is very interesting!!! A few videos a day??

      1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
        Steve Wyborney

        For the multiplication course on YouTube I recommend starting with 1 video per day and then adjusting to follow the needs of your class. For some students (around grade 3) staying with 1 video per day will work well and provide consistency. For other students (possibly grades 4 and up) you may notice that moving to 2 videos per day will work a little better.

    3. Kristen Avatar


      I am wondering how you use these for small group activities? For virtual, do you watch the videos LIVE with your students or assign?

      Thanks 🙂

  14. Linda Steele Avatar
    Linda Steele

    This is AWESOME. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing!

    1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
      Steve Wyborney

      I appreciate the kind words!

  15. Agi Post Avatar
    Agi Post

    This is so awesome!!!! Thank you for your hard work all summer! I will definitely be assigning this course to my 4th grade students and sharing it with my colleagues across all grade levels 3-8!

    1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
      Steve Wyborney

      Thank you for sharing it, Agi!

  16. Jeff Weinstein Avatar
    Jeff Weinstein

    Hi Steve, There is lots of great content here-Thanks. I think there is an error in the Chapter 3 Videos. It seems that lessons 8 and 9 both teach how to sketch the Mystery Structure, when lesson 8 should be exploring it.

    1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
      Steve Wyborney

      Hi, Jeff. Great catch! Thank you so much. After reading your comment, I just put in the mystery structure video in that place. I’m so grateful you let me know. I hope you have a wonderful day.

      Here is the link to the update playlist, with gratitude:

  17. Jeremiah Avatar

    Another masterpiece, my friend! The creations you make for students and shared by teachers is so empowering.

    1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
      Steve Wyborney

      Thank you so much, my friend. I appreciate your words and am so glad that this will be empowering.

  18. Susan Jones Avatar

    Any chance you’ll get somebody to refine the captions? The auto-generated are okay but have no punctuation and the occasional mystery utterance. (I do them w/ Techsmith’s Knowmia.)

    1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
      Steve Wyborney

      Hi, Susan. This is my first try with captioning, so I’m using YouTube’s captioning. If you send me a chapter / lesson # I’ll take a look and see if there is anything I can do. That piece of it is a new journey for me. I really appreciate the tech tip. I hadn’t heard of Knowmia, but do use Camtasia.

  19. Cindy Evans Avatar
    Cindy Evans

    This is truly amazing!! Thank you so much. I am sharing with at least 6 people.

    1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
      Steve Wyborney

      Cindy, thank you for this! Also, thank you for sharing with others. I truly hope it will be a powerful contribution to many students, families, and educators.

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