The Second Cube Connector: Pointing Out the Arrows

The Cube Connectors series, which began with this post, continues with a glimpse into the classroom of Hannah Yazzolino.  The resource which I shared on Twitter, and which Hannah used very effectively in her classroom – even before it was in an animated form – is now downloadable in both an animated form and as a greyscale PDF.

Here is the heart of this post:  The annotated arrows that fill cube connectors are much more than just answers.  They are the beginning of powerful opportunities for students.  The Cube Connectors slide will offer several opportunities.  But even more opportunities – and much better ones – will emerge as you build and annotate the connections you find.


Thank you for sharing this picture, Hannah!

You can follow Hannah Yazzolino on Twitter @hyazzolino

Click here to download:

Here is the updated PPT slide, ready to download: Cube Connectors Slide 2

Here is the link to the PDF:  Cube Connectors 2 PDF


Also, if you haven’t seen the original cube connectors post, I recommend taking a quick look at it.

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Hannah Yazzolino






Steve Wyborney Avatar

2 responses to “The Second Cube Connector: Pointing Out the Arrows”

  1. Ruben Notari Avatar

    Very interesting!
    The greyscale colors in the PDF seems not to be correct, since they don’t match the colours in the PPT slide.

    1. Steve Wyborney Avatar
      Steve Wyborney

      Thanks! Most of the printables are designed to be printed in greyscale since many don’t have colored ink to print. If you print in greyscale, you will see the shading to be able to tell them apart. However, if you print in pure black and white it won’t show the distinction. I hope that helps, and I really appreciate the comment!

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