180 Opportunities to Notice

In my previous post, Provide Massive Space to Notice, I described how to repeatedly use the same dot pattern to promote noticing.  In this post, I would simply like to give you 10 pages of dot patterns which you can download and use with your students.  The purpose is to promote a wide variety of seeking perspectives, noticing , and recording observations in ways that can be very useful.  Simply watch the video and download the pages.

You can download the pages from the video here.  Each PDF is an individual file, so feel free to download each one separately.


180 Opportunities  –  Page 1

180 Opportunities  –  Page 2

180 Opportunities  –  Page 3

180 Opportunities  –  Page 4

180 Opportunities  –  Page 5

180 Opportunities  –  Page 6

180 Opportunities  –  Page 7

180 Opportunities  –  Page 8

180 Opportunities  –  Page 9

180 Opportunities  –  Page 10



Also, in the next post I’ll describe how you can use a tool that I’ve developed to make your own pages in 10 seconds or less.


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Further Notes

Thanks to Martin Joyce (@martinsean) for sending the following image of student thinking, which he has detailed along with several other idea in his post “Day 83: Number Talk, Transformations, Quadratic Regression Model.”

Martin Joyce


Steve Wyborney Avatar

2 responses to “180 Opportunities to Notice”

  1. Signe Stanton Avatar
    Signe Stanton

    Thank you so much! I love doing these with all my classes as warm ups. I really appreciate the resource!

    1. stevewyborney@gmail.com Avatar

      It’s certainly my pleasure to write and share these. I appreciate the comment!

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