The Multiplication FLAIR

A FLAIR is a highly interactive document that can be used flexibly to rapidly provide independent feedback to students.  The video below will detail how to use the Multiplication FLAIR document.  FLAIR is an acronym for Feedback for Learning at an Advanced Independent Rate.  While I have hundreds of different kinds of FLAIR documents that I’ve written over the years, I wanted to begin by sharing the Multiplication FLAIR.  I encourage you to watch the video, download the document, and use it to provide helpful feedback to your students.



Download the Multiplication FLAIR document here.

If you do not have Excel, but would like to download the Excel viewer from Microsoft, try this link.

I would appreciate any feedback you may have regarding the FLAIR document.

You may also be interested in these other animated instructional posts:

 The Animated Multiplication Table

 The Green Light Hundreds Chart

 The Number Concept Map

Math in Motion


How to use the FLAIR

Steve Wyborney Avatar

9 responses to “The Multiplication FLAIR”

  1. Jessica Butanda Avatar
    Jessica Butanda

    Do you have a version of this with addition/subtraction facts? For younger kids?

  2. Audrey Avatar

    Thanks for the clarification. I do applaud the inclusion of the commutative aspect.
    However, I can’t help but think that this could take children a long time to accomplish with that many questions.

  3. Audrey Avatar

    I cannot see a connection to the product of 242 in anything that students are doing. Is it a goal for the number of points or, perhaps, simply a nominal number to distinguish this FLAIR document from others? Please clarify. Thanks.

    1. Avatar

      Hi, Audrey. That’s a great question. There are 242 items on this particular FLAIR. If a student see 242 out of 242, then they know they have answered each item correctly. It’s meant to provide feedback. If they see 241/242 they are eager to seek out the one that isn’t showing. The 242 originally comes from the concept of a 0 by 10 multiplication table having 121 listed products. I used each one, and then I also reversed each one, so you’ll see 6 × 4, and at another point you’ll see 4 × 6. Of note, this leads to 5 × 5 (for example) appearing twice.

  4. Scott Cox Avatar

    You’ve done some pretty cool things with Excel, and if you’re anything like me, you have more ideas than time to implement them. Still, I’ll remind you that this tool is a perfect candidate for coding into an HTML page. It would give you a dedicated web address (easier to manage than a file download) and relieve your concern with students saving over the original file. With database expertise (which I do not yet have), you could have a record of student progress to allow customized intervention. If or when you are ready to jump into coding web pages, I’ll do everything I can to pave the way for you! Your ideas are worth spreading!

    1. Avatar

      Hi, Scott. Thank you for this idea. You are completely right that time is the primary issue that I’m running into. Your thought of coding into a page like this would solve several problems. I wonder if I could do all of that over a summer?

      To anyone else reading, Scott is a great contact. Like me, he is on a learning journey, hungry and eager to learn and contribute.

  5. Aaron Bieniek Avatar
    Aaron Bieniek

    Hey Steve, have you ever tried a FLAIR set up as a problem string (where the solutions to the previous problems inform the solution to the current problem)? They work much better as a discussion piece where you an focus on a particular solution strategy with the class, but the concept might also work as a FLAIR. So, for example, these might be the problems: 2 x 1.50, 20 x 1.50, 4 x 1.50, 24 x 1.50, 42 x 1.50, 180 / 1.50

    1. Avatar

      No, I haven’t tried it like that. I have many, many variations. Some of them require two or three answers at the same time, but I haven’t thought of problem strings. That is an excellent idea!

  6. Abdulrahman Abbas Avatar
    Abdulrahman Abbas

    Thanks for a good idea.

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