I am on a Learning Mission

learning mission wordle

I am a learner on a learning mission.  I am determined to learn.  I am ready to step into new territory.  I cannot stand still.


With one foot on what I already know

The other reaching for something new

I stretch.


I do not blog because I am able.  I blog because I am trying to learn how, to learn more, and to learn from the learners who read.  I am desperate to learn how to learn.


I don’t screencast because I’m an expert.  Instead, I do it to discover.


I learn the least from the end of the journey, I learn more from the journey itself, and I learn the most from the micro-steps.  I meet the micro-blunders and learn that, if I let them, they can be the most powerful growth-gifters.  They offer rapid-cycle feedback and allow me to unblunder forward into new and further learning.


Standing in a place of new learning gifts me with rich opportunities to reflect.  Rehearsing old learning seldom requires reflection.  When I dare new learning, opportunities for reflection are abundant.


I share because I want to learn.  I need to learn.


Why vox?  Why blog?  Why tweet?  Why chat?  Why go out of the way at a conference to meet a new educator?  Because I learn so much from that person, and I’m extremely grateful to know yet another educator.  What a deep honor!


You are part of my learning journey.

I need you.

I am determined to find my learning by giving it away.

And I am on a learning mission.





My beliefs about students:  Finding Bedrock

This is the rest of my blog.


learning mission wordle


  1. Kathy Alexander on March 29, 2015 at 6:03 pm

    Love this post! I’m along for the journey to learn as well! I don’t understand why anyone would be happy where they are, there is always something new to experience, enjoy, learn! Looking forward to sharing the learning!

    • stevewyborney@gmail.com on March 29, 2015 at 6:27 pm

      Thank you Kathy! I’m excited to learn more!

  2. John Bennett on March 26, 2015 at 5:10 pm

    Beautifully stated!!! I don’t know if I should be saddened by people not wanting to learn or be angry with them… With the exception of those people using “I’m still trying to learn and thus am not ready to engage” when they are confronted on their inaction, I can’t fathom not wanting to learn…

    • stevewyborney@gmail.com on March 27, 2015 at 8:55 am

      Thank you, John. Your words make me wonder what it is that fuels our hunger to learn. Is it pure curiosity? Is it the presence and enthusiasm of a hungry learner? Is it an insatiable need within each of us that isn’t always observable, yet persistently reaches for more? Is it spurred by community, by situation, by interest, by need, or simply by the idea that there is more to know? Also, how does all of that interact with our current moment of learning as well as what lies before us, and also to what feels within reach or outside of our current reach? How does that perception of what can be reached interact with our willingness to risk? You have sparked several questions, which are gifts. Thank you! I often say, “Discover a Question!” Thank you for sparking so many thoughts! I’m hungry to learn.

      • Janice Fox on March 29, 2015 at 8:15 am

        Thank you.

        Your statement resonated.


        I read because I must, I learn because I can. I cannot understand why some teachers teach the same thing year after year when their students change.

        Thank you.

        • stevewyborney@gmail.com on March 29, 2015 at 5:32 pm

          Thank you, Janice!

  3. Adrienne Shlagbaum on March 26, 2015 at 12:18 pm

    I’m privileged to be along for the journey. I appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and reflections. Looking forward to learning more from you and with you.

    • stevewyborney@gmail.com on March 26, 2015 at 12:30 pm

      Thanks, Adrienne. I have so much that I want to learn. I appreciate your support, and look forward to learning more with you! More to come soon!

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