This was the first tweet:
“I’m just wondering something… What would happen if educators posted just #1reflection at the end of each day? What effect would that have?”
Consumed by the race, crushed by the rush, and blurring forward into the busyness of life, we strain to prepare, to plan, to anticipate, to see it all coming. We drive with passion into the future.
But what about reflecting?
The end of the weekend is spent thinking about the week to come, mentally reeling in the details. The more time we spend preparing, the more we can accomplish. So we plan, we prepare, we get ready. We mentally move into the future.
But what about reflecting?
Inside the classroom, we’ll be called upon to make innumerable instructional decisions, many of them so quickly that an outside observer could never detect them. Which means we learn to anticipate, to think forward in high resolution, to zoom in on particular parts of our day that may need more advanced mental attention than others. We see instructional life coming through as many lenses as possible.
But what about reflecting?
Reflection. When we reflect, we have a beautiful chance to grow. Yet it seems like so many things are coming at us so quickly they we must keep our eyes forward. It seems like taking the time to slow down, and then to glide to a stop, and then to think back may simply be out of reach.
So I have a challenge for you: Glide to a stop. Do it every day for 1 week. Write down one single reflection. #1reflection. One sentence. One thought. That’s all. For one week.
Try it for 7 days and see what happens.
I challenge you to write #1reflection.
Gliding with you,
“What would happen if educators posted just #1reflection at the end of each day? What effect would that have?”
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